Creative Filmmaker's Blog

How to Produce Low Budget Films With High Production Value
Every so often, a low budget film produced with affordable gear comes along that is as good as a blockbuster hit made with a huge budget. So how do they do it? It helps to have great production ski...

Pro Filmmaking Skills # 2 - Sell a Good Story
More than mastering the rules for proper camera settings and filming techniques, a major component that will draw your audience into your film is of course, a good story.A good story doesn’t start ...

Pro Filmmaking Skill # 1: Invest in the right learning
Filmmaking is made more accessible to hobbyists because of the abundance of video tutorials, reviews and mass production of user-friendly cameras and other video gear. But if you’re aiming to turn ...

Why & How to Film Using a Camera Crane
Unexplored Angles
Cameras continue to push the boundaries of technology– ever higher pixel counts, greater low-light performance, and better stabilization. While this is extremely helpful in increa...